Prop Enumeration

Named constants to access the properties of a VCard object.


Namespace: FolkerKinzel.VCards.Enums
Assembly: FolkerKinzel.VCards (in FolkerKinzel.VCards.dll) Version: 8.0.1+a91cc3f0fd39aeb548e16006a60ca9dd10a304a2
public enum Prop


Profile0PROFILE: States that the vCard is a vCard. (3)
Kind1KIND: Defines the type of entity, that this vCard represents. (4)
Created2CREATED: Defines the date and time when the vCard was created. (4 - RFC 9554)
Updated3REV: A timestamp for the last time the vCard was updated. (2,3,4)
ContactID4UID: Specifies a value that represents a persistent, globally unique identifier, associated with the object. (2,3,4)
Categories5CATEGORIES: Lists of "tags" that can be used to describe the object represented by this vCard. (3,4)
TimeZones6TZ: The time zone(s) of the vCard object. (2,3,4)
GeoCoordinates7GEO: Specifies latitudes and longitudes. (2,3,4)
Access8CLASS: Describes the sensitivity of the information in the vCard. (3)
Sources9SOURCE: URLs that can be used to get the latest version of this vCard.(3,4)
DirectoryName10NAME: Provides a textual representation of the Sources property. (3)
Mailer11MAILER: Type of e-mail program used. (2,3)
ProductID12PRODID: The identifier for the product that created the vCard object. (3,4)
Language13LANGUAGE: Defines the default language that human-readable text values in this vCard are assumed to be written in. (4 - RFC 9554)
DisplayNames14FN: The formatted name string associated with the vCard object. (2,3,4)
NameViews15N: A structured representation of the name of the person, place or thing associated with the vCard object. (2,3,4)
GenderViews16GENDER: Defines the person's gender. (4)
NickNames17NICKNAME: One or more descriptive/familiar names for the object represented by this vCard. (3,4)
Titles18TITLE: Specifies the job title, functional position or function of the individual, associated with the vCard object, within an organization. (2,3,4)
Roles19ROLE: The role, occupation, or business category of the vCard object within an organization. (2,3,4)
Organizations20ORG: The name and optionally the unit(s) of the organization associated with the vCard object. (2,3,4)
BirthDayViews21BDAY: Date of birth of the individual associated with the vCard. (2,3,4)
BirthPlaceViews22BIRTHPLACE: The location of the individual's birth. (4 - RFC 6474)
AnniversaryViews23ANNIVERSARY: Defines the person's anniversary. (4)
DeathDateViews24DEATHDATE: The individual's time of death. (4 - RFC 6474)
DeathPlaceViews25DEATHPLACE: The location of the individual's death. (4 - RFC 6474)
Addresses26ADR: A structured representation of the physical delivery address for the vCard object. (2,3,4)
Phones27TEL: Canonical number strings for a telephone numbers for telephony communication with the vCard object. (2,3,4)
EMails28EMAIL: The addresses for electronic mail communication with the vCard object. (2,3,4)
ContactUris29CONTACT-URI: URIs representing an email address or a location for a web form. (4 - RFC 8605)
Urls30URL: URLs pointing to websites that represent the person in some way. (2,3,4)
SocialMediaProfiles31SOCIALPROFILE: Specifies the URI or username for social media profiles associated with the object the VCard represents. (4 - RFC 9554)
Messengers32IMPP: Instant messenger handles. (3,4)
Keys33KEY: Public encryption keys associated with the vCard object. (2,3,4)
CalendarAddresses34CALURI: URLs to the person's calendar. (4, 3 - RFC 2739)
CalendarUserAddresses35CALADRURI: URLs to use for sending a scheduling request to the person's calendar. (4, 3 - RFC 2739)
FreeOrBusyUrls36FBURL: Defines URLs that show when the person is "free" or "busy" on their calendar. (4, 3 - RFC 2739)
CalendarAccessUris37CAPURI: A protocol independent location from which a calendaring and scheduling client can communicate with a user's entire calendar. (3 - RFC 2739)
Relations38RELATED: Other entities that the person is related to. (4)
Members39MEMBER: Defines a member that is part of the group that this vCard represents. The Kind property must be set to Group in order to use this property. (4)
OrgDirectories40ORG-DIRECTORY: A URI representing the person's work place, which can be used to look up information on the person's co-workers. (RFC 6715)
Expertises41EXPERTISE: A professional subject area, that the person has knowledge of. (RFC 6715)
Interests42INTEREST: Recreational activities that the person is interested in, but does not necessarily take part in. (4 - RFC 6715)
Hobbies43HOBBY: Recreational activities that the person actively engages in. (4 - RFC 6715)
SpokenLanguages44LANG: Defines languages that the person speaks. (4)
Notes45NOTE: Specifies supplemental informations or comments, that are associated with the vCard. (2,3,4)
Xmls46XML: Any XML data that is attached to the vCard. (4)
Logos47LOGO: Images or graphics of the logo of the organization that is associated with the individual to which the vCard belongs. (2,3,4)
Photos48PHOTO: Image(s) or photograph(s) of the individual associated with the vCard. (2,3,4)
Sounds49SOUND: Specifies the pronunciation of the DisplayNames property of the VCard-object. (2,3,4)
AppIDs50CLIENTPIDMAP: Mappings for PropertyIDs. It is used for synchronizing different revisions of the same vCard. (4)
GramGenders51GRAMGENDER: Defines which grammatical gender to use in salutations and other grammatical constructs. 4 - RFC 9554
Pronouns52PRONOUNS: Defines the pronouns that shall be used to refer to the entity represented by this VCard. (4 - RFC 9554)
JSContactProps53JSPROP: JSContact properties that cannot be converted to standardized vCard properties. (4 - RFC 9554)
ABLabels54X-ABLabel: An Apple AddressBook (AB) extension to give other vCard properties a label.
NonStandards55vCard-Properties that don't belong to the standard.

See Also