IEnumerableExtensionReference Method

Returns a collection of VCard objects containing both the VCard objects passed as a collection as well as those which had been embedded in their Relations property. The previously embedded VCard objects are now referenced by RelationProperty objects that are initialized with the value of the ContactID property of these previously embedded VCards.


Namespace: FolkerKinzel.VCards.Extensions
Assembly: FolkerKinzel.VCards (in FolkerKinzel.VCards.dll) Version: 8.0.1+a91cc3f0fd39aeb548e16006a60ca9dd10a304a2
public static IEnumerable<VCard> Reference(
	this IEnumerable<VCard?> vCards


vCards  IEnumerableVCard
A collection of VCard objects. The collection may be empty or may contain null values.

Return Value

A collection of VCard objects in which the VCard objects previously embedded in the Relations property are appended separately and referenced through their ContactID property. (If the appended VCard objects did not already have a ContactID property, the method automatically assigns them a new one.)

Usage Note

In Visual Basic and C#, you can call this method as an instance method on any object of type IEnumerableVCard. When you use instance method syntax to call this method, omit the first parameter. For more information, see Extension Methods (Visual Basic) or Extension Methods (C# Programming Guide).



Although the method itself is thread-safe, the VCard objects passed to the method are not. Block read and write access to these VCard objects, while this method is being executed!


Never use this method, if you want to save a VCF file as vCard 2.1 or vCard 3.0!

The method is - if necessary - automatically called by the serialization methods of VCard. It only makes sense to use it in your own code if a VCard object is to be saved as vCard 4.0, and if each VCF file should only contain a single vCard. (As a rule, this approach is not advantageous as it endangers referential integrity.)


The example demonstrates how a VCard object can be saved as a vCard 4.0 if it is intended that a VCF file should only contain one single vCard. The example may also show that this approach is generally not advantageous, because it endangers referential integrity.


For the sake of easier readability, exception handling has not been used in the example.
using FolkerKinzel.VCards;
using FolkerKinzel.VCards.Enums;
using FolkerKinzel.VCards.Extensions;

namespace Examples;

/// <summary>
/// This example will save a vCard 4.0 Group-vCard and its members in separate
/// VCF files and will reload all these files and then read data from the group VCard.
/// Although the example shows that this is possible, it is generally recommended 
/// to save group VCards and their members in a common VCF file: In this case, the 
/// Reference and Dereference methods would not have to be called in own code.
/// </summary>
public static class VCard40Example
    public static void SaveSingleVCardAsVcf(string directoryPath)
        const string vcfExtension = ".vcf";

        // Note that argument validation and exception handling is completely omitted in this
        // example. The following "if" statement only ensures, that the method doesn't destroy
        // valueable data.
        if (Directory.GetFiles(directoryPath)
                     .Any(x => x.EndsWith(vcfExtension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
            Console.WriteLine("The method \"SaveSingleVCardAsVcf(string)\" could not be executed");
            Console.WriteLine("because the destination directory contains .VCF files, that might");
            Console.WriteLine("be overwritten.");


        // Initialize a group vCard with composers names and live dates:
        VCard? composersVCard = VCardBuilder
                    "Sergei Rachmaninoff", new DateOnly(1873, 4, 1), new DateOnly(1943, 3, 28)))
                    "Ludwig van Beethoven", new DateOnly(1770, 12, 17), new DateOnly(1827, 3, 26)))
                    "Frédéric Chopin", new DateOnly(1810, 3, 1), new DateOnly(1849, 10, 17)))

        // (The easiest way would be to save everything in a common VCF file:)
        // composersVCard.SaveVcf("CommonFilePath.vcf", VCdVersion.V4_0);

        // Replace the embedded VCards in composersVCard.Members with Guid
        // references in order to save them as separate vCard 4.0 .VCF files.
        // IMPORTANT: Never call Reference() if you intend to serialize
        // a vCard 2.1 or vCard 3.0 !

        IEnumerable<VCard> referenced = composersVCard.Reference();
        // (The extension method can be called on a single VCard because
        // VCard implements IEnumerable<VCard>.)

            $"After ReferenceVCards() vCardList contains {referenced.Count()} VCard objects.");
                .Where(x => x.DisplayNames
                             .Any(x => StringComparer.Ordinal.Equals(x.Value, "Composers")))

        // Make sure to save ALL VCard objects in `referenced` - otherwise
        // the information originally stored in `composersVCard` will be
        // irrevocably lost.
        foreach (VCard vCard in referenced)
            string filePath = Path.Combine(
                $"{vCard.DisplayNames?.First()?.Value ?? "unknown"}{vcfExtension}");

            vCard.SaveVcf(filePath, VCdVersion.V4_0);

        // Reload the .VCF files:
        IEnumerable<VCard> vCards =
            Vcf.LoadMany(Directory.EnumerateFiles(directoryPath, $"*{vcfExtension}"));

        // Make the reloaded VCard objects searchable. (The Dereference method doesn't
        // change anything in vCards. Don't forget to assign the return value!):

        // Find the parsed result from "Composers.vcf":
        composersVCard = vCards
              x => x.DisplayNames.Items().Any(x => x.Value == "Composers")

        if (composersVCard is null)
            Console.WriteLine("Composers.vcf not found!");
            //Retrieve Beethovens birth year from the members of the "Composers.vcf" group:
            Console.Write("What year was Beethoven born?: ");
                TryFindBeethovensBirthday(composersVCard, out DateOnly birthDay)
                   ? birthDay.Year
                   : "Don't know.");

    private static VCard InitializeComposerVCard(
        string composersName, DateOnly birthDate, DateOnly deathDate)
        => VCardBuilder.Create()

    private static bool TryFindBeethovensBirthday(VCard composersVCard, out DateOnly birthDay)
        DateOnly date = default;
        bool found = composersVCard.Members
                .Select(x => x.Value.VCard)
                .FirstOrDefault(x => x.DisplayNames
                                      .Any(x => x.Value == "Ludwig van Beethoven"))?
                    .FirstOrNull(x => x.Value.TryAsDateOnly(out date))
                     is not null;

        birthDay = date;
        return found;

Console Output:

After ReferenceVCards() vCardList contains 4 VCard objects.



What year was Beethoven born?: 1770


ArgumentNullExceptionvCards is null.

See Also