DateAndOrTimeBuilderEditTArg(FuncIEnumerableDateAndOrTimeProperty, TArg, IEnumerableDateAndOrTimeProperty, TArg) Method

Edits the content of the specified VCard property with a delegate and allows to pass an argument to this delegate.


Namespace: FolkerKinzel.VCards.BuilderParts
Assembly: FolkerKinzel.VCards (in FolkerKinzel.VCards.dll) Version: 8.0.1+a91cc3f0fd39aeb548e16006a60ca9dd10a304a2
public VCardBuilder Edit<TArg>(
	Func<IEnumerable<DateAndOrTimeProperty>, TArg, IEnumerable<DateAndOrTimeProperty?>?> func,
	TArg arg


func  FuncIEnumerableDateAndOrTimeProperty, TArg, IEnumerableDateAndOrTimeProperty
A function called with the content of the specified VCard property and arg as arguments. Its return value will be the new content of the specified VCard property.
arg  TArg
The argument to pass to func.

Type Parameters

The type of the argument.

Return Value

The VCardBuilder instance that initialized this DateAndOrTimeBuilder to be able to chain calls.


This overload allows to pass external data to the delegate without having to use closures.


ArgumentNullExceptionfunc is null.
InvalidOperationExceptionThe method has been called on an instance that had been initialized using the default constructor.

See Also