ContactIDBuilderSet Method

Overload List

Set(ActionParameterSection, FuncVCard, String) Sets the ContactID property to a ContactIDProperty instance that is newly initialized with a new Guid.
Set(ContactID, ActionParameterSection, FuncVCard, String) Sets the ContactID property to a ContactIDProperty instance that is newly initialized using a specified ContactID.
Set(Guid, ActionParameterSection, FuncVCard, String) Sets the ContactID property to a ContactIDProperty instance that is newly initialized using a specified Guid.
Set(String, ActionParameterSection, FuncVCard, String) Sets the ContactID property to a ContactIDProperty instance that is newly initialized using free-form text.
Set(Uri, ActionParameterSection, FuncVCard, String) Sets the ContactID property to a ContactIDProperty instance that is newly initialized using a specified Uri.

See Also