ParameterSection Class

Encapsulates the information about the parameters of a vCard property.


Namespace: FolkerKinzel.VCards.Models.Properties.Parameters
Assembly: FolkerKinzel.VCards (in FolkerKinzel.VCards.dll) Version: 8.0.1+a91cc3f0fd39aeb548e16006a60ca9dd10a304a2
public sealed class ParameterSection : ICloneable
Object    ParameterSection


AddressTypeTYPE: Specifies the type of a postal delivery address. (2,3)
AltIDALTID: A common identifier that indicates, that several instances of the same property represent the same (e.g. in different languages). (4)
AuthorAUTHOR: Identifies the author of the associated Value. (4 - RFC 9554)
AuthorNameAUTHOR-NAME: Names the author of the associated Value. (4 - RFC 9554)
CalendarCALSCALE: The calendar system in which a date or date-time value is expressed. (4)
CharSetCHARSET: Indicates the character set that was used for the property. (2)
ComponentOrderJSCOMPS: Defines the order and separators for the elements of a structured property value. (4 - RFC 9555)
ContentLocationVALUE: Indicates where the actual content of the property is located. (2)
ContextCONTEXT: Indicates the context of the data. (3)
CountryCodeCC: ISO 3166 two-character country code. (4 - RFC 8605)
CreatedCREATED: Defines the date and time when a VCardProperty was created. (4 - RFC 9554)
DataTypeVALUE: Indicates which of the data types predefined by the vCard standard the content of the vCard property corresponds to. (3,4)
DerivedDERIVED: Specifies that the value of the associated VCardProperty is derived from some other VCardProperty values in the same VCard. (4 - RFC 9554)
EMailTypeTYPE: Describes the type of an e-mail address. (2,3)
EncodingENCODING: Indicates the encoding of the VCardProperty. (2,3)
ExpertiseLEVEL: A person's level of expertise. (4 - RFC 6715)
GeoPositionGEO: Geographical position. (4)
IndexINDEX: 1-based index of a property in a multi-valued property. (4 - RFC 6715)
InstantMessengerTypeTYPE: Description of an instant messenger address. (3 - RFC 4770)
InterestLEVEL: Degree of interest of a person in a thing. (4 - RFC 6715)
JSContactPointerJSPTR: This parameter is used with the instances in JSContactProps. Its value points to the JSContact property whose value is stored in the VCardProperty. (4 - RFC 9555)
LabelLABEL: Represents the actual text that should be put on the mailing label, when delivering a physical package to the person/object associated with the VCard. ([2],[3],4)
LanguageLANGUAGE: Language of the Value of the VCardProperty. (2,3,4)
MediaTypeMEDIATYPE : Specifies the MIME type for the data to which a URI refers. (4)
NonStandardNon-standard attributes. (2,3,4)
PhoneticPHONETIC: Defines how to pronounce the value of another property in the same vCard. (4 - RFC 9554)
PhoneTypeTYPE: Describes a phone number. (2,3,4)
PreferencePREF or TYPE=PREF: Expresses preference for a property. (2,3,4)
PropertyClassTYPE: Indicates, wether a VCardProperty is related to an individual's work place or to an individual's personal life. (2,3,4)
PropertyIDPROP-ID: Identifies a property among all its siblings of the same property name. (4 - RFC 9554)
PropertyIDsPID: Gets the PropertyIDs used to identify the VCardProperty. (4)
RelationTypeTYPE: Specifies the type of relationship with a person. (4)
ScriptSCRIPT: Defines the script that a Value is written in. (4 - RFC 9554)
ServiceTypeSERVICE-TYPE: Defines the online service name associated with a messaging or social media profile. (4 - RFC 9554)
SortAsSORT-AS: Determines the sort order. ([3],4)
TimeZoneTZ: Time zone (4)
UserNameUSERNAME: Defines a username such as the user of a messaging or social media service. (4 - RFC 9554)


AssignAssigns the content of other to the instance.
ClearDeletes all content of the current instance.
CloneCreates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
EqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
GetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
ToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Overrides ObjectToString)

Thread Safety

Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.

See Also